
寝ませんから. 日本語のノートーを書いで います.

(中譯: 因為沒睡 現在正在寫日文筆記)

あのね....幫一個日本朋友的忙 幫忙翻譯歌詞

(故事大概是分手的時候有被台籍馬子刁難. 然後又莫宰羊對方到底是放話還是嗆聲啥的. 真的是輟劣蛋. 心情之難過的. 用翻譯軟體翻歌詞又都不 make sense. 只好情商中//3語都馬A通的人幫忙啦)

( 談感情會傷人的這件事...唉...真是古今皆同 中外皆然 於我心有戚戚焉呀!) 

我不是 native speaker  . 加上我滴日文又很 2266 的.....

只能用我揣摩到的中文歌詞fu  以我有限的英文字彙表現出來啦!

其實...我根本不知道有這首歌. 只能說是以前曾經聽過啦 

但我完全不知歌名  也不知演唱的是誰  更別說歌詞寫啥了

好笑的是那個跟 許茹芸 合唱的男歌手"阿穆隆" ...


(因為日本有 "阿部寬" .....都是姓"")



(p.s.) 冉妻餅右 : 如果真有翻得讓你看不下去的 煩請告知....

因為咧...這個日本底迪的 Toeic 考到近9百分. 英文程度算很不錯滴.



Anyway, 因為是首好歌. 歌很好聽. 詞也頗正面 所以就 share 出來啦.

講的還是現在流行的....stay positive and always with hope.

(p.s. 有點八卦滴猜測...這應該是他馬子喜歡的歌 而不是用來分手的歌. 因為那郭 fu 很不同啦. 看下去就知.......)


...我還沒學會怎樣把mp3 崁入在blog文章裡. 請直接 點我> 一起收聽吧!  


[  男人。女人  ]

演唱 : 許茹芸 & 阿穆隆     詞/: 吳克群


許:愛愛愛愛了幾回 也明白其中滋味


我卻還在等待著 誰能出現

Female vocal:

When it comes to relationship, I had more than once.

And I realized exactly the relationships were all about.

What I already paid for wasn't equal to what I got in each relationship.

In spite of this, I’m still waiting for someone else. 


穆:傷傷傷傷了幾回 也曾經為愛憔悴


我卻還是學不會 狠心對誰

Male vocal:

Speaking of the suffering for love, I was depressed couple times.

In the relationship, the innocent one always got hurt instead of the tricky one.

However, I still haven’t learned a lesson & have treated someone badly.


許:男人男人 多希望你是好人

多希望用你的真 讓我不必再心疼

Female vocal:

Hey man, how I wish you would be the one treating me nicely.

Truly hope I will be no more sad because of all your tenders and cares.


穆:女人女人 我答應做個好人

我答應用我一生 來換你的快樂一生

Male vocal:

Hey lady, you have my words for treating you nicely.

For your happiness forever, I’ll be right here with all my heart entire my life.



許:愛愛愛愛了幾回 也明白其中滋味


我卻還在等待著 誰能出現

Female vocal:

When it comes to relationship, I had more than once.

And I realized exactly the relationships were all about.

What I already paid for wasn't equal to what I got in each relationship.

In spite of this, I’m still waiting for someone else. 



穆:傷傷傷傷了幾回 也曾經為愛憔悴


Male vocal:

Speaking of the suffering for love, I was depressed couple times.

In the relationship, the innocent one always got hurt instead of the tricky one.



合:我卻還是學不會 狠心對誰


However, I still haven’t learned a lesson and have treated someone badly.



許:男人男人 多希望你是好人

多希望用你的真 讓我不必再心疼

Female vocal:

Hey man, how I wish you would be the one treating me nicely.

Truly hope I will be no more sad because of all your tenders and cares.


穆:女人女人 我答應做個好人

我答應用我一生 來換你的快樂一生

Male vocal:

Hey lady, you have my words for treating you nicely.

For your happiness forever, I’ll be right here with all my heart entire my life.



許:男人男人 多希望你是好人

多希望有你的真 讓我不必再心疼

Female vocal:

Hey man, how I wish you would be the one treating me nicely.

Truly hope I will be no more sad because of all your tenders and cares.


穆:女人女人 我答應做個好人

Male vocal:

Hey lady, you got my words for treating you nicely.


合:不會再讓我()心疼 一等再等



For my/your no more sadness & awaiting from time to time,

you are exact the one I’m waiting for.



Male vocal: hey, man



Female vocal: hey, lady



Chorus : how I wish you are the one, the very right one! 


    創作者 mebetty 的頭像


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